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AI ONE(艾王)登山包50L 热卖单品(诱惑黄色) 
    AI ONE(艾王)品牌是大陆一家于2000年创立的户外品牌公司,起初只是小本经营的家庭式生意。但是AI ONE品牌一直以强调高性能,高品质及不断进取创新求变为宗旨。虽然仅仅只有五年的历史,我们深深地意识到了在以后的岁月里,为了产品的质量,款式的不断求索革新,还需要我们坚持不断走一条属于自己的路.在这短短的5年时间里,我们已经迅速将业务拓展至全国大中小城市。远销世界各国和地区:新加坡,泰国,马来西亚,香港,台湾,日本,韩国,俄罗斯等。
    本公司向来以产品耐用性而闻名,赢得了广大消费者的恳定和青睐。本公司为消费者提供优越的售后服务。AI ONE品牌物美价廉,与世界知名品牌鼎足而立,但是价格仅仅只有他们的三分之一,因此是适宜新老朋友的最佳选择。

AI ONE was established in year 2000 specialized for outdoor products originated in China Mainland. At very first beginning, it runs small scale family-business, under its advanced quality, stable usefulness & pursuing renew & improvement, it xpanded as nowadays   performances. We deeply noticed that in future, we will   ntinue to follow up such way of advanced quality & new 
items development. As our products sell not only to    China mainland, Hongkong & Taiwan, and also to   international market such as Singapore, Thailand, Japan, Korea & Russia.   It is known by its reliability which earns thousands   of consumers’ ments, also because of this, we have    best after-sale system. As a result, the price is only one third to other branded products.


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  • 邮编:315040
  • E-MAIL:yjlygh@china.com.cn
  • 地址:浙江省宁波市兴宁路280弄25号星辰明珠大厦1507