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      Ramada Plaza Guangzhou Hotel is built as five-stars hotel standard, and got the highest RAMADA brand ---PLAZA .
      Brand Tiers: Ramada International hotels include six brand extensions:
      Ramada Plaza : Positioned as the upper-tier for Ramada International Hotels&Resorts.Plaza hotels generally feature more amenities than the standard Ramada International hotel and offer a variety of restaurants and lounges, a health club and larger guestrooms. They are located in key gateway cities and /or central business districts. Ramada Plaza hotels have 60-500 guestrooms.
      Ramada Plaza Guangzhou Hotel is located in the heart of Guangzhou business and shopping district. The hotel is nearby Guangzhou main railway station and entrance of the newest No.3 subway. 5km from the Kowloon-Guangzhou Express train station, 40 km from the Baiyun International airport, and 25 minutes from Pazhou convention centre.

联  系  人: 郭小姐
电        话: 020-87206888-3811
传        真: 020-87206999
通讯地址: 广州市天河区广园东路瘦狗岭路313号庆云街1号 
邮政编码: 510610
电子邮件: (请通过系统发送求职意向) 
公司网址: http://www.ramadaplazagz.com 

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  • 地址:浙江省宁波市兴宁路280弄25号星辰明珠大厦1507